Why do we have formal, organised education? One reason is to expose the next generation to the culture, values and practices of society so that they become contributing members of society. …
Sosiaalinen media pakottaa muuttumaan
Kyse ei ole verkossa olevista palveluista, kuten Facebookista, vaan toimintakulttuurin muutoksesta. Verkkoteknologian mahdollistama ihmisten välinen julkinen keskustelu, jakaminen ja tiedonrakentelu - …
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Open educational content – possible future prediction by David Wiley
David has published an intriguing draft of a possible book chapter, written in the form of a historical review at a future date, looking at the 2005 - 2010 OpenCourseWars. As one commenter already …
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List of interesting blogs on learning
Couldn't get any sleep tonight (yet), so I decided to go through a bunch of learning and teaching related blogs and pick up any that interest me. Mainly I used the controversial top 100 educational …
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Blackboard's eLearning patent is going to be reviewed
Flosse Posse commented in August on the absurdity of Blackboard's eLearning patent claim. Now action is being taken, as the Software Freedom Law Center is demanding that the patent be reviewed and …
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